Blissful Saturday

Mahamevnawa > Blissful Saturday

Blissful Saturday

Every month First Saturday
From 8:00am to 3:00pm

Join us for a transformative day-long retreat, where like-minded individuals come together to cultivate inner peace and connect with their true selves. Our silent retreat offers a supportive and serene environment, perfect for meditation and contemplation

Blissful Saturday with Bhante Ransi

Profound relaxation and stress relief

Deeper meditation practice and connection to inner self

Peaceful and serene natural setting

Recharge and rejuvenation of mind and body

Immerse yourself in extended periods of meditation, punctuated by brief moments of gentle guidance and reflection. Let go of distractions and tap into the profound wisdom that lies within.

Enjoy a sense of community and connection with others who share your interests and values, all while experiencing the transformative power of silence and meditation.

Greater self-awareness and understanding

Meaningful connections with like-minded individuals

Development of self-compassion and loving-kindness

New insights and perspectives on life and challenges

Valuable tools and techniques for ongoing meditation practice

Return home feeling refreshed, renewed, and reconnected to your inner self.